Monday, January 21, 2013

the first lady: a force to be reckoned with

on this inauguration day, i have had the opportunity to reflect (there is no school today...yeah!) about the last four years and the impact our first lady has had on this great nation. it has been said that behind a good man is a great woman... in this case i would agree (although this is not always true as men support men and women support women, etc. etc.). not only does she have impeccable fashion sense (which i can't help but envy), she has made great strides to promote the arts and art education and better the lives of our children, our women, and our military families. thanks for a good four years, first lady michelle obama. cheers to four great more.

as a fashion lover, i can't help but include some of my favorite pretty looks from our first lady from the last four years.


thanks so much for stopping by pretty preened. we would love to hear what you to say so leave your thoughts with us in a comment.

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