Friday, January 4, 2013

proud big sister

i couldn't be more excited for my little brother. josh is a man of many talents and skills and these talents will now be showcased for all to see on the small screen. yep, small screen, as in cable tv. josh works as a designer for flux design and their new television series, made in milwaukee, will be playing friday evenings on the diy network. that's right...the diy network! that's big time tv stuff right there. flux is bringing their creative, artistic talents into residential homes where they are doing more than just a remodel. you will even see that lil' brother o' mine making a television appearance from time to time. made in milwaukee will be airing on the diy network on fridays at 10:00pm and 10:30pm central time. not the most prime watching hour for a friday, but you probably should set up your dvr now. more information about show times can be found here.

if you are in the milwaukee area, feel free to drop by the Official Made in Milwaukee Reality Show Release Party tonight. i am hoping to make an appearance if my virus gives me the day off already.

go get em joshie!

picture note... that is not a picture of my brother. that would be his boss, jeremy.


  1. That is SUPER cool! I LOVE shows like that. And that it's in Milwaukee and your baby bro is part of it makes me love it more! The Knoxville Holts will be tuning in.

  2. Hi Linsey! My mom, Kathy Keehn, sent me your blog from your mom :) I work with a girl whose husband also works for Flux, Andre Saint Louis. Your blog is cool, can't wait to keep reading!

    1. Hi Julie, so glad you are tuning in. Aren't moms the best.


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