Wednesday, January 23, 2013

wedding wednesday: first look

husband and i strayed from many a wedding traditions and we were so glad we did on this one. seeing each other before our ceremony not only took away the nerves, but gave us alone time which is few and far between for many couples on their wedding day. all you married folk will most likely agree with me on this one. the 45 minutes before the ceremony taking pictures and basking in the excitement with my future husband were some of my favorite memories from the day. if you are up in the air about whether or not you want to have a "first look" as they say, i urge you to just do it. i don't urge you for pictures sake, but really for the moment. it is one i would never take away.

1 comment:

  1. I love the cleavage and shoulders of this dress! It's such a romantic dress. You both look incredible. I'm a fan of his suit too.

    So happy I found your blog!



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